+ 91 94440 60993

The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will do it
- Robert Swan

Who We Are

We, Sunder Ram and Sriram are the budding entrepreneurs who started an eco-friendly partyware with the brand name “Twin Twigs”. The thought process behind starting up our venture was to become self-reliant and economically independent. Additionally, we also wanted to support our communities, generate employment opportunities for abled and specially-abled alike and contribute to the cause of 'Save Earth'.

Our early childhood was in Bhopal, where we lived for 9 years and were diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy at the age of 6 months. With the love and support of our parents, relatives and friends, we got the choicest of the opportunities to experience right from childhood. As years went by, our parents decided to move from Bhopal to Chennai, and in the process, we joined Vidya Sagar (formerly Spastic Society of India) - school that encouraged our passions and appreciated our differences.

We have travelled, experienced Para Gliding, participated in the painting competition in Abilympics. We have had the opportunity to meet many Sports players, Film Stars, Musicians and other great personalities. We take a great deal of interest in Self Advocacy activities to spread awareness about the specially-abled and their needs. Our opinions are considered and valued by parents, school and friends. This has immensely helped us to become confident and independent decision-makers. The experiences that we had as we were growing up has taught us to transform every challenge into an opportunity and is the core foundation that set our lives into motion towards a wonderful journey.

Being aware of our strengths and limitations; our aim was to become self-sustainable and self-dependent. We considered various options such as to assist our father in his office or to start horticulture or even to run a kennel. Finally, with the support of our parents and our dear friend Karthik, we decided to give in to our calling of becoming twin-entrepreneurs and thus Twin-Twigs was born. Twin-Twigs stands for everything we firmly believe in. All the products are close to our hearts and are hand-made with a lot of love, passion, and care. It is a known fact that our planet is moving one step closer towards destruction every day, and the ecological footprint has doubled in the last 40 years. We urge you all to make greener choices and contribute to the community. Smaller changes can go a long way and how we like to say is 'Love the earth even while you party'!